One way - Directions

Hi! I'm releasing my first version of my game called 'One way'. I would like to talk about some goals I would like to complete.


I would like to make new biomes and I would like to make each biome a little longer or smaller. Right now every biome is almost same lenght and also fixing this isn't my priority at the moment. I shouldn't forget to say that I would like to hear some feedback from you so I know which biomes you want me to add. Also I would like to update some current biomes as for example 'Village biome' which seems awkward to me without any villagers.

Inventory system

Inventory system right now works really weird. It is not working really well. I just basically have for each item 2 textures. One with white background and one with green background. They change if you activate or deactivate current slot. I would really like to make every item just one transparent texture and add green/white image right below it. It would propably solve a lot of problems.


I don't want my game to be skin heavy. But I want to add atleast 2 new skins that will look different (in current version there is one "skin", it is basically just another color). Something similar to my previous project Cooking Duo. 


I would like to add new crafting receipe for stone pickaxe. With this pickaxe you would be able to mine stone or other new ores. Right now you can get stone by just clicking on stone that is generated on the floor.


Currently player's death is signalized by simple notification on the top. I would like to add there new window that would show you your highscore maybe all biomes you were in and there would be restart button.

Those are my main things I would like to make to this project. I'm really curious what is it gonna be few months (maybe years) later. Thanks for reading and have a nice day.


One way - Alpha v0.0.rar 17 MB
Jul 15, 2021

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